“It's a pity to waste a whole Montecristo.”
With “The Hudsucker Proxy” the
Coen brothers faced their first commercial flop, the critical reaction to the
film was mixed and the audiences generally seemed to be very confused by it.
And it is not too hard to guess why. The film is a schizophrenic assault on the
senses, much more than the Coen’s other work, a farce of the highest order that
has a really weird and unorthodox sense of humor. And the Coens where not the
critical/audience darling then as they are now, so “The Hudsucker Proxy” was
too much too soon it seems.
It was also the Coen’s first big
studio film, backed by Hollywood super-producer Joel Silver, famous for his big
budget action movies (“Die Hard” and “The Matrix”) and it is worth noting that
Joel Silver guaranteed the Coen’s final cut on their film, and even protected
the film when the studio wanted to re-cut it after mixed test screenings. And
with this the film stands today as one of the most unique films to come out of
Hollywood in the 90’s. It is also a bit of a forgotten masterpiece.
“The Hudsucker Proxy” starts with
the spectacular suicide of Waring Hudsucker (Charles Durning), the founder and president of the
insanely successful Hudsucker Industries. But (literally) right after his death
the board of directors, led by Sidney Mussburger (Paul Newman), devises a plan
on how to get Waring’s stock in the company for cheap. They will hire a sap as
the new president, which will plummet the stock and allow them to purchase it
at a more desired price. And the sap that they decide to go with is the naïve
and idealistic Norville Barnes (Tim Robbins). But they underestimate Norville,
as he is an “idea man”.
The cast of “The Hudsucker Proxy”
is obviously great. Paul Newman, who usually plays good guys, is amazing as the cigar
chomping villain Mussburger and Tim Robbins is the heart of the picture and
successfully manages to be both a bumbling idiot and a true Capra-esque
straight man. Still the most pleasure for me came from watching Jennifer Jason Leigh
as the nosy motor-mouth reporter Amy Archer, who was clearly based on Rosalynd
Russell’s motor-mouthed reporter Hildy Johnson from the Howard Hawks classic
“His Girl Friday”.
Actually many elements of “The
Hudsucker Proxy” are graciously borrowed from golden era Hollywood comedy
classics. For example Norville Barnes’ journey starts off very much like “Mr.
Deeds Goes to Town” and its ending is unmistakably influenced by “It’s a
Wonderful Life”. But visually the film is very much its own with a great use of
miniatures, matte paintings and other visual effects. It has a very thick, almost
gothic aesthetic that is touched up with art deco details.
But when the style of the film is concerned the closest relation from the Coen’s catalogue is probably “Raising Arizona” as both films exit in this over stylized, almost cartoon-like reality where even the laws of physics can be bent. This is strongly supported by the already mentioned whacky humor and the amazing editing which gives the film an unstoppable energetic drive that is more characteristic of Sam Raimi’s work (the film’s co-writer/second unit director) than the Coens themselves. I am not saying that this is his film, this is a Coen brothers film through and through, but Raimi’s influence is in the film’s DNA as well.
“The Hudsucker Proxy” is a
wonderful film, genuinely funny and ridiculous, visually dazzling and very
nostalgic for the films of old. It provides a great commentary on corporate
America and how men with a vision are treated in this system; first looked at
in confusion and questioned, then after success glorified and once their hour
has passed torn down or corrupted. It is a vicious circle that many great
people have gone through. But it is an idealistic film also, with its wholesome
heart in the right place. Again, it is the Coen brothers' forgotten masterpiece.

Tim Robbins - Norville Barnes
Paul Newman - Sidney J. Mussburger
Jennifer Jason Leigh - Amy Archer
Bill Cobbs - Moses
John Mahoney - Chief
The Hudsucker Proxy on IMDb

Tim Robbins - Norville Barnes
Paul Newman - Sidney J. Mussburger
Jennifer Jason Leigh - Amy Archer
Bill Cobbs - Moses
John Mahoney - Chief
The Hudsucker Proxy on IMDb
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